100% Organic Farming

What is Organic Farming?

  • Organic farming is a type of farming that is done using the most important and useful elements of nature.
  • This farming is done by a mixture of the compost Jivamrit (cow-dung +cow-urine +molasses + flour)
  • It uses a pesticide prepared by the mixture of natural flora and cow-urine.
  • Organic farming observes all the precautionary measures to ensure that no life, soil, water, and environment are harmed by it.

Benefits of Organic Farming

  • Tastier, nutritious and healthier vegetables than chemically cultivated vegetables.
  • No side-effects to the human body as organic farming uses all chemical-free elements.
  • More longevity than chemically grown or processed vegetables.
  • 90% water savings, which is not common to traditional farming.

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